I Just Have To Say

Here’s a new abstract watercolor I did. I have done a bunch of these recently. They are a lot of fun.

But I’m taking a time out from art to say say how concerned I am for my country and for democracy. I feel it is a very frightening time right now in America. We have a President who probably has no understanding of how the United States operates. I don’t think he knows there are three distinct areas of government. Each one supporting the other and each one having specific duties.

I look at the upcoming elections, and see that they are more likely than not being rigged again. They were rigged by the Russians in 2016 to cause Donald Trump to win. The same thing is happening again.

I watch in horror as Bernie Sanders is becoming the likely nominee of the Democrats. The Republicans will have a field day pointing out to America that basically he is a Socialist, not a Democrat. He is followed by a small group of radicals. He’s not a member of the Democratic Party. I firmly believe that something underhanded is going on and our electoral process is being stolen again.

America cannot withstand another four years of Donald Trump.

I probably will not get in any discussions about what I’ve written. It’s just my opinion. You go vote your conscience.

  2 comments for “I Just Have To Say

  1. Carole Jeffries
    February 23, 2020 at 4:22 am

    I never saw your fabric art, but are there echoes of your fabric work here? I certainly can see this as a beautiful silk print or a piece of weaving or something created with various fabric media and stitching.


    On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 4:50 PM Kerry C. Mitchell’s Adventures wrote:

    > Kerry C. Mitchell posted: ” Here’s a new abstract watercolor I did. I have > done a bunch of these recently. They are a lot of fun. But I’m taking a > time out from art to say say how concerned I am for my country and for > democracy. I feel it is a very frightening time right now in A” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. February 22, 2020 at 7:21 pm


    Liked by 1 person

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