Tag: holidays

Hot Cha Cha

Hot Cha Cha

Hot Cha Cha

Hot Cha Cha Too

Hot Cha Cha Too

I took a mixed media and acrylic painting ecourse this fall from Tracy Verdugo.  Tracy is a well-known artist and a fantastic teacher.  I was hesitant to take her class, as I was the only digital artist taking the class.  However, Tracy was open to the idea of a digital artist taking her class and was very supportive.  You can see Tracy’s work here.  Be sure to check out her ecourse starting in February here.

I had a lot of fun with these two paintings.  The second painting is actually the first painting.  I took the original painting and turned it and flipped it until it ended up like it is.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Hearts for Warren

Hearts for Warren

I send lots of love to all of you who are reading my blog today.

This is a piece I did for Valentine’s day.

For those of you familiar with Painter, the app I use, I painted with pattern pens to make the hearts.  Then I used overlays to get the texture that shows.  I outlined with pattern pens.

In the smaller hearts, I used surface effects on patterns.

The background is made from pastels.

This was a lot of fun to make.

Welcome to 2014



I am so glad it is 2014.

I had this thing about 2013.  I didn’t like it because 13 is supposed to be an unlucky number.  That is irrational and makes no sense.  But I kind of had that in the back of my head off and on all year.

So, I’m glad 2014 is here.

The painting with this blog is not a painting per se.  It is done in Painter X3 on the computer, but I used conte this time.  Conte, is a medium kind of like charcoal, but harder.

I keep my paintings organized by the type they are.  Like, abstracts, collage, drawings, etc.  I have one group I call play.  When I had a block of my muse a few months ago, I set up this group.  I just play, with no pressure, no final work in mind.

My husband has been home for the holidays, so I decided to play until the first of the year, or next Monday when work starts for him again.

This piece is the result of me playing with Painter and discovering new things in it.  I used to use conte when I did life drawing, but that was a very long time ago.

I had a lot of fun doing this, and I hope you enjoy it.

Swimming into 2014

Purple Fish

Purple Fish

2013 will come to an end tonight.  For me it has been an amazing year.

I started this blog in the Spring.  That was a huge accomplishment for me.  I had wanted a blog for a long time, but was too sick to write one.

I’ve gotten treatment for Lyme and now, although I still spend a lot of time in bed, I have enough energy and wellness to do a few things each day.

The other huge accomplishment for 2013 was painting.  I had never really painted.  I was a textile artist.  But when I became sick, I had to put that aside.

In September 2012, a friend talked me into taking an on-line painting class from Flora Bowley.  It was an amazing experience.  Between Flora, and my friend, I learned to paint.  I had help from other people as well.  It is amazing what the Universe brings when one commits.  I committed to painting and wow, I’m doing it.

I paint digitally, so I can do it from bed.

So, in 2013, my painting really took off.  I have done things that I thought were not possible with my painting.

I found out in 2013 that I didn’t need someone in the house to help me out.  The woman who had worked here quit in May.  It was then I realized that I’m a lot better.  I was able to replace her with someone who works just four or so hours a week to help out.  That was a huge financial plus not to have to pay out so much money each year.  It was really empowering for me to understand that I’m much more able to take care of myself again.  That is huge.

As I look forward to 2014, it should be an interesting year.

I’ve just joined the Adobe Cloud.  Adobe no longer sells its software.  One has to rent it by the month.  So I got a good deal and am renting Photoshop and Illustrator.

Once I did that, I realized I had to figure out how to use these apps.  They are not easy to learn on your own.  I joined Lynda.com.  It is a great web site that has  good tutorials for just about anything you want to know.

Then, I got an email one day offering me a special deal on a figure drawing class.  For $45, I have ended up with over 200 videos teaching figure drawing.  Should I ever finish this, the guy who teaches it says that I’ll be able to draw the human figure in any position from my mind.  He’s going to have us draw the skeleton and then the muscles.  This is how Michelangelo and Da Vinci taught themselves to draw.

I’ve just made a small dent up to number 13 on that.  So maybe in 2014, human figures will start to appear in my paintings.

Another new thing in 2014, will be that my husband will retire.  That will happen in July.  He has eased into retirement by working first, four days a week, and now three days a week.  That will be a major life adjustment.  I can hardly wait to have Warren home with me all the time.  I’m really excited.

I have to say that 2013 was a very good year for me.  I hope it was for you.

I want to thank all the very nice people who have followed my blog.  It really means a lot to me that you are interested in my art and writing.

I wish everyone the very best in 2014.

Spaced Aliens

Spaced Aliens

Spaced Aliens

I’ve painted up a storm lately.  Here is a painting I did this weekend.  I did one like this before.  You can see it in this gallery.

I had a very nice Thanksgiving with some of my family yesterday.

My husband does all our cooking, as I cannot.  We order a lot of food from the Kitchen Door here in Seattle.  They deliver meals ready to warm up.

I miss turkey leftovers, so I got a great idea this year and ordered turkey from them.  I’m looking forward to my turkey sandwich with ketchup and mayo.  Yummy.